Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing 6 - image generators

It was interesting trying out some of the image generators for this activity. I definitely like the idea of using my own photos for creating interesting graphics. First, it personalizes the communication. If I am talking about my library, it's nice to use an image of MY library rather than a generic one. Also, I think students respond to efforts that we make as teachers. While I did not create a Toon Doo, I can see where students would really enjoy seeing school images used - could be a great way to open a lesson, or use as a writing prompt.

The other thing that I liked about these sites, is that original photos can be used. Having this option can help to avoid copyright issues. Not to mention that it was fairly straight forward to create the various images. However, I did noticed that I needed to preview my creations to make sure I could read them and also to see that they fit correctly on my blog page.

I thought that Toon Doo might be an excellent tool for English or Social Studies since students can create their own cartoon or political satire piece on a topic. But as with any art type program, the content must come first - I can see where students would want to jump in immediately and start using these creative tools... like I have been.

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